Our Service

details about the elevation, contours, and other physical characteristics of
an object certain geographic area.

electrodes and the measurement of the potential produced by the current
using other electrodes. By analyzing the current distribution and
potential, variations in resistivity or electrical conductivity can be identified
in the soil, which provides information about the structure and
geological composition.
We provide a comprehensive range of surveying services, including geology and geotechnical engineering, geophysics, and hydrology. Each sort of survey has a distinct purpose and methodology, and we are delighted to give further information on each of the survey topics we provide.
1. Geological and Geotechnical Survey
The process of collecting data and information on geological properties and soil conditions at a specific area is known as geological and geotechnical survey work. The purpose is to understand the geological and geotechnical conditions in the area, which will then be used to plan, design, and build projects such as buildings, bridges, tunnels, and other infrastructure.
We have almost 20 years of surveying experience as a company, including:
- Topographic Survey
- Survei Batimetri – Multibeam Echosounder – Singlebeam Echosounder
- Infrastructure planning for irrigation structures, dams, ports, and airports.
- Layout Survey
- Geological Mapping
- Hydro Oceanography
Of course, this is a proof of the high quality of our products. Our surveying expertise has been recognized nationally, and our extensive experience has taught us to constantly work faster and better in order to offer the best results.
Civil engineers, architects, and the project team will use the results of the geological and geotechnical survey work to build safe and efficient structural designs. The information gathered is also utilized to detect and address issues that may develop during project building, such as slope stability, groundwater handling, and the selection of construction methods that are appropriate for the soil characteristics.
2. Geophysical Survey
Geophysical survey work include collecting data and information about the physical qualities of the earth's subsurface using geophysical methods and techniques. This method makes use of physics concepts to acquire a better understanding of a site's geological structure, rock composition, groundwater, availability of natural resources, and geotechnical conditions.
We have been working in the field of geophysical surveys for over ten years, and the work we can conduct includes groundwater studies, groundwater salinity, and grounding system design utilizing a variety of technologies, including:
- Geoelectric Survey
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR),.
- Seismic Prospecting (Refraction Method),
- Velocity Sonic Logging,
- Seismic Downhole,
- Geophysical Logging,
In addition, we use cutting-edge geophysical survey technology and have people resources capable of producing the best findings. The acquired data is subsequently analyzed and processed to generate subsurface mapping and interpretation for geology, resource exploration, and geotechnical engineering reasons.
3. Hydrological Survey
A hydrological survey is the process of gathering and analyzing data about water in a hydrological system, such as the water cycle, river flow, water quality, and the interaction of water with the environment. The goal is to comprehend and manage water resources in an effective and sustainable manner.
The process of collecting data on the amount, distribution, movement, and quality of water within an area or hydrological system is known as hydrologic surveying. Surface water testing, measurement of water outflow, suspended loads, and bed loads, among other approaches, are employed in hydrological surveys.
This hydrological survey work is being done to assist other engineering divisions in their planning and drafting of water resource project designs.

to take core samples from soil or rock layers
under the surface of the earth. This approach seeks to comprehend
the material's geotechnical qualities, such as strength,
mechanical properties, composition, structure, and behavior of the soil or rock.

assessed using the geotechnical technique known as the cone
penetration test. The results of CPT testing reveal details on the subsoil's
density, stiffness, uniformity, and other geotechnical properties.

assessing a dam's structural, functional, and safety
characteristics. This work is done to make that the dam
works effectively, can resist the amount of water it
must handle, and won't endanger the environment or
the local residents.
Geotechnical investigation is the process of gathering and analyzing data in order to comprehend the geotechnical characteristics of a site or project. This analysis is carried out to assess potential geological risks, define the best design and construction approaches, and identify mitigation strategies. Our specialization is geotechnical investigation work, which includes the following activities:
- Pemboran inti : – Onshore Drilling – Offshore Drilling – Nearshore Driling
- Uji permeabilitas : – Falling Head Test – Constant Head Test – Lugeon Test (Packer Test)
- Inspeksi Bendungan : – Hammer Test – Pengambilan dan pengujian core beton – Rabber Test – Inspeksi keadaan Rip-rap – Inspeksi Bocoran
- Construction of test wells
- Manufacture of test puritans
- Undisturbe Sampling
- Geotechnical Investigation of Mining Infrastructure
- Swedish Sounding Test / Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
- Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
- Installation of Open Standpipe Piezometer (OSP) Instruments
- Installation of Observation Well (OW) Instruments
- Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)
- CBR (California Bearing Ration) Insitu
- Sub Bottom Profiling
- Sand Cone
Geological and geotechnical investigations are critical in a variety of construction projects, including buildings, bridges, tunnels, dams, and other infrastructure. The purpose is to understand the subsurface rock and soil features, identify any geotechnical difficulties, and provide appropriate solutions to ensure project safety, stability, and sustainability.
As an aid to infrastructure design work. We take pride in the quality of our work, from field work through data/report processing.
The equipment we employ is compliant with the norms for Geological and Geotechnical Investigation. We also have technicians who are certified and skilled in running our equipment units, thus we prioritize job safety.

characteristics of groundwater, groundwater flows, and the potential of aquifers in
an area is known as hydrogeological mapping. Understanding aquifer networks,
subsurface water circulation, and the presence of water sources in a region are the
primary goals of hydrogeological mapping.

digging water wells to access and use subsurface water sources.
Water wells are used to obtain water from aquifers beneath the
earth. Drilling the wellbore, lining and cementing the well walls,
and installing the appropriate well equipment are all processes
in the well building process.

at a predetermined flow rate while keeping an eye on the
aquifer's reaction. Important hydrogeological characteristics
including aquifer transmissivity, aquifer leakage, aquifer
consolidation, and aquifer storage capacity are measured as part
of the pumping test.
Hydrogeological Survey is one of our specialties, which includes underground water exploration drilling, deep well construction, pumping tests, testing of physical properties of water, testing of water quality, and clean water facility equipment.
Hydrogeology is concerned with understanding and applying geological and hydrological concepts to drill, develop, and manage water wells in the context of well construction. In the context of hydrogeology, the following is an explanation of well construction:
Water Source Mapping: Prior to the start of construction, a hydrogeological research was conducted to map probable water sources. Geological analysis, groundwater evaluation, and hydrological monitoring are used to determine aquifer layers that are likely to hold enough water.
Well Design: A suitable well design is made based on the mapping of water sources. In order to design a well, the desired water demand must be taken into account when choosing the well's location, depth, and diameter.
Well Drilling: The drilling procedure begins once the well design is authorized. Drilling is done with specialized equipment capable of penetrating soil or rock formations in order to reach the desired aquifer. Monitoring and soil samples are carried out during drilling to better understand the geological and hydrological conditions surrounding the well.
Well Lining: Once the well has reached the appropriate depth, it is lined with well tubing that is resistant to water pressure and corrosion. This coating protects the well from contamination and helps to keep the well structurally sound.
Installation of a Filter and Gravel Pack System: A filter and gravel pack system is installed around the well liner to keep sand and other materials out of the well. This technology allows water to enter the well while keeping the water quality high.
Groundwater Testing and Production Measurement: After the well is completed, groundwater tests are performed to determine the aquifer's properties and the well's water capacity. Water production is also measured to assess the amount of water that can be produced by the well.
Well Monitoring: Once a well is operational, it is subjected to frequent monitoring to ensure good water quality and well performance. This include collecting water samples, evaluating water levels, observing water output, and analyzing water quality to ensure that the water produced is safe and fulfills specifications.
The use of hydrogeological concepts in well building is critical for ensuring efficient water resource management, maintaining acceptable water quality, and meeting the essential water needs. Hydrogeologists and geotechnical engineers are critical in evaluating aquifer conditions, selecting appropriate building methods, and assuring water well long-term success.

important test method in geotechnical and civil
engineering. The primary goal is to evaluate the shear
strength and stability of soil material that will be
employed as a base layer in dam building.

with a mixture of materials such as cement, bentonite, epoxy, polymer, urethane,
and other chemicals combined with water or other substances. Grouting is used
to improve the physical and mechanical qualities of the building or soil that is
being repaired or improved.
We provide exceptional services in Large Scale Direct Shear and Grouting as geotechnical specialists. We have tried-and-true equipment and a staff of well-trained employees, so we can guarantee the best quality and outcomes on every project we work on.
1. Large Scale Direct Shear

The Large Scale Direct Shear Test (LSDS) is a geotechnical laboratory test method used to determine the shear strength and mechanical properties of soils and rocks. This method includes delivering a shear stress to a bigger soil or rock sample than the traditional direct shear test.
A normal load is delivered to the soil or rock sample using a vertical load during the LSDS test. The shear force is then delivered horizontally by sliding one layer of the box chamber (Box Chamber) against another. Shear and shear forces are measured when a shear force is applied. This information is utilized to compute critical characteristics including shear strength, elastic shear strength, plastic shear strength, and soil deformation.
This test is performed on coarse-grained materials such as Random material, Rockfill, and Dam Filters. This test was performed in a 60x60x48 cm box chamber to assess soil shear strength characteristics such as cohesiveness and soil shear angle.
Large Scale Direct Shear Testing under Two Conditions:
- To obtain the assumed value of Shear Strength after construction before flooding, use natural / unsaturated / water unsaturated circumstances.
- Circumstances that are saturated with water to obtain the shear strength value during flooding to aid in the determination of dam stability.
The LSDS test gives more realistic and representative information about soil or rock shear strength and shear behavior under significant loads. This method is important for understanding how soil or rock responds to lateral loads, as well as for slope stability studies and the design of retaining walls susceptible to significant shear stresses.
2. Foundation Cementation Test & Implementation (Grouting)
Foundation cementation, also known as grouting, is a technique that involves injecting mixed materials such as cement, water, and chemical additives into gaps or crevices inside the foundation or the surrounding soil. Grouting's primary goal is to strengthen, fill, and increase the stability of the foundation or surrounding soil.
We frequently do Cementation Tests on the Dam building plan, which is performed prior to and concurrently with the implementation of DAM disposal, namely Foundation Cementation work.
Grouting can be used to increase the bearing capacity of foundations, reduce soil movement, fill gaps or voids, reduce water penetration, or improve slope stability. To guarantee that the process is carried out appropriately and successfully in accordance with specific conditions and needs, it is critical to involve competent geotechnical specialists or engineers in the planning, design, and implementation of grouting.

the percentage of moisture at which the soil transitions from
a plastic to a liquid condition.

soil or aggregate sample. This examination aids in
understanding the particle content composition as well as
the physical properties of the soil or aggregates.

sample under natural conditions with no extra influence is
referred to as natural water content. Natural water content is
critical in geotechnical investigations and soil science
because it impacts the material's physical and mechanical
Geotechnical Laboratory Tests are a series of physical and mechanical tests performed in a laboratory on soil and rock samples. The goal of this test is to understand the material's geotechnical and mechanical qualities, which will be used in construction planning and design.
Geotechnical investigative work is combined with laboratory testing of soil mechanics and rock mechanics. Our laboratory's facilities are capable of carrying out a variety of tests, which are supported by highly experienced and knowledgeable professionals.
Our laboratory testing standards are based on SNI and international standards such as ASTM, AASTHO, and JIS, and the results of our work are in the form of index properties and engineering properties based on customer requirements.
Our laboratory is currently also certified by SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (National Accreditation Committee: LP-1747-IDN) which is an ISO standard used by laboratories as a general requirement for testing laboratory competency. In some large countries, ISO/IEC 17025 is the accreditation standard for being considered technically competent.

Types of Laboratory Tests:
- Soil Material – Physical Parameters – Natural Water Content – Specific Gravity – Natural Density Test – Grain Size Analysis by Hydrometer – Grain Size Analysis by Double Hydrometer – Atterberg Limit – Shrinkage
- Soil Material – Mechanical Parameters – Unconfined – Permeability – Direct Shear Test – Modulus Elasticity of Uniaxial Comp. Strength – Triaxial UU & CU, diameter 5 cm – Triaxial UU & CU, diameter 10 cm – Consolidation Test – Swelling Pressure – Pinhole – Crumb Test – Expansion Index – Compaction (Standard Proctor) – Uji Petrografi dan X-ray defraction – CBR Unsoaked – CBR Soaked – Organic Content
- Random / Rockfill / Coarse Filter – Large Scale Direct Shear (Jenuh Air / Saturated) – Large Scale Direct Shear (Tidak Jenuh Air / Unsaturated) – Large Scale Permeabilty (Falling Head) – Large Scale Permeabilty (Content Head) – Sieve Analysis- Specific Gravity & Absorption – Relative Density / Compaction Standard
- Fine Aggregate For Filters And Concrete – Sieve Analysis of Fine for Concrete – Sieve Analysis of Filter (Fine & Coarse) – Specific Gravity & Absorption – Relative Density of Filter (Fine & Coarse) – Permeabilty of Filter- Silt / Clay Content – Organic Impurities – Alkali Reactivity (AAR & ASR) – Soundness
- Coarse Aggregate For Concrete – Specific Gravity & Absorption – Soundness of Sand / Gravel (Na2SO4 Durability) – Abrasion (Los Angeles)
- Rock and Concrete Core – Specific Gravity & Absorption – Density – Compressive Strength – Modulus Elasticity of Uniaxial Comp. Strength – Triaxial Compression Test – Tensile Strength Test – Point Load Test – Ultrasonic Velocity Test – Slake Durability Test
- Rocks and Rock Cores – Sieve Analysis / Grain Size Analysis – Specific Gravity & Absorption – Suspended Load – Bad Load
- Mix Design & Concrete Test
As a responsible service provider, we are committed to continually improving the quality of our services and tests, with the goal of achieving satisfactory results for our customers and providing a high quality guarantee in every project we work on. By making continuous improvements, we strive to always provide the best service and maintain our customers trust.